Coach Low Carb
Cleanse and reset with water (and electrolyte) fasting, carnivore to re-build and this is not medical care or advice. We don't sell anything; we're just motivators. Carpe Diem Please peruse these curated free videos below by American doctors on fasting, carnivore, keto, et al. In consultations with your physicians, if you decide to join the Ketovore lifestyle please consider including in your physician consultation your personal, specific challenges to your transition. ​Here's a few suggestions:
Hastening Carbohydrate Withdrawal - We coach fasting, electrolytes and exercise to punch through this unattractive aspect of self-improvement.
When reset, go OMAD for health maintenance.
Water fasting to strive for autophagy's benefits.
Try this 432Hz Healing Music as part of your new life.
This is not medical advice. Dipping my toes into the water didn't work. So I plunged in with FASTING to cleanse, CARNIVORE for life and KETO for controlled cheats. The old destructive ways must all go: booze; carbs; cigarettes, and; "bad" oils. ) This isn't a diet; this is a lifestyle: no booze, few carbs. No smokes. C'est la vie
Dr. Cywes - FIRST Know Thyself
Dr. Berry - Why do most diets fail?
Dr. Berry - Big Money Behind All The Smoke & Mirrors
Dr. Berry - How to Naturally Lower Your Blood Pressure
Dr. Berry - Weight Loss Advice from Overweight Doctors
Dr. Berry - I Was WRONG and 5 Tips Under 60 Seconds
Dr. Berry - Iodine, A1c, Basics & Autoimmune Disorders
Dr. Ekberg - Minerals and Electrolytes
Dr. Chaffee - "The Plant-free M.D." on Autoimmune Disorders
Dr. Berg - Is Soy Good For You? Dandelions? Coffee?
Dr. Berg - Bone Health, Sunlight's Importance & Vitamin D
Dr. Berg - Electrolytes Magnesium, Potassium & Sweating
Dr. Berry - Reverse and Prevent Osteoporosis
Dr. Cywes - WHAT Feeds Cells & the Role of NEFA
Dr. Berg - What to expect on your ONE WEEK FAST.
Dr. Baker - HIIT is the BEST Exercise for Getting in Shape
Dr. Bikman - Insulin Resistance
Dr. Fung - The Physiology of Fasting (Advanced)
Dr. Cywes - Understanding Cholesterol LDL, HDL, etc.
Dr. Berg - Arteries: Potassium/Calcium, the Best Foods, ED,
Dr. Diamond - Less Fat = More Heart Attacks
Dr. Ali - The Functions (and Defense) of LDL
Dr. Berry - LDL and "All Cause Mortality"
Dr. Cywes - Statins, Supplements & Red Meat
Dr. Berry - "Why am I losing more inches than weight?"
Dr. Pelz - Working Out DURING Fasting
Dr. Berry - Weight Watchers verses Keto
Dr. Pelz - Varying Your Feast and Famine Cycles
Dr. Cywes - Just 8 Benefits of Exercise
Drs. Berry & Cywes - (Carbohydrate) Sugar Addiction
Dr. Cywes - Managing the Carnivore Lifestyle
Data Scientist Amber O'Hearn, M.Sc., Balance Fat + Protein
Drs. Fung & Berry - "The Cancer Code"
Dr. Berry & Dr. Seyfried - CANCER LIES
Dr. Ali - Autophagy Autophagy Exercise Importance
Dr. Berry - Heart Attack Signs for Women
Dr. Cywes - Keto Gynecology - Why Women Suffer Most
Dr. Ekberg - The Differences Between Keto and Atkins
Dr. Cywes - Views on the Causes of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Dr. Berry - Keto for your Mental Health
Dr. Ekberg - Neuroplasticity and Depression
Dr. Berry - To my fellow doctors, "Who do you work for?"
Dr. Berg - Eggs, Lemons and Foods if You Have Herpes
Dr. Estima - Her Approach to Women's Hormones and Keto
Dr. Cywes - Alzheimer's and Why Keto is Critical
Dr. Berg - Fat Soluble Vitamin B1 Benfotiamine & Neuro Issues
Dr. Ekberg - Brain Fog - 10 Warning Signs of Dementia
Dr. Cywes - Raising Carnivore Babies - Critical Infant Development
Dr. Berry - "Is Your Child an Accidental Vegan?"
Dr. Ekberg - Sugars & Sweeteners (Personally, I use GLYCINE in COLD drinks.)
Dr. Merrit - Viruses and Vitamin D (Starts at 16 Minutes)
Dr. Berg - Vitamin K2 and Pathological Calcification
Dr. Berry - "Alkaline Diets" and Proper Testing Techniques
Dr. Berg - Cancer and Sugar and AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASE
Dr. Pradip Jamnadas - Easing into fasting. FASTING 101
Dr. Syed - The Critical Role of Vitamins K2 and D3 to Store Calcium In Our Bones NOT in our Arteries
Dr. Berg - Herbal Suggestions for Parasites
Dr. Syed - Ivermectin Dosage (Great tips on best uses.)
FRAUDULENT Nutrition Guidelines by Nina Teicholz & Dr. Berry
Dr. Blix - "I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection." July 22, 2022
Dr. Lee Merritt - A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT Path...
Dr. Baker - Antioxidants and His new project: REVERO ​
Fat Fiction - Full Movie Here FREE.
What happens during a 44 day fast?
"We will all struggle. Our challenge is to struggle well."
~ Ryan Manion, Founder of the Travis Manion Foundation
Please enjoy these videos.
Coach Low Carb
​​​(c) 2021 Fat Lives Matter